Bynder Form


Bynder Form

This form will walk you through the required information and optional information needed for an asset to be properly uploaded and organized in our content DAM (Bynder) at

Once you submit this form, a content admin is notified of the request and will review your submission. You will be notified by the email you provide below once your request is processed.

We will contact you via email for your Bynder Request. If you are using a netapp email, please use this format:

If someone else will be the main contact for this request, chose Yes and provide their email below.

This is the video Bynder ID for the thumbnail or VTT to be related with.

Please provide the asset link. After the asset is found, you can modify the meta properties below.
Provide one of the following:

  • Bynder URL:
  • Bynder ID: 77E1EF9D-FFBA-455D-9B036FC0E35BD0CC
  • PDF URL:

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If the video you are updating is already live on, the file(s) you submit will be Live and publicly available in the next 30 minutes.

Please provide the date in which either the asset has to be published live by or published on a specific date/time. Leave blank if this asset can be published at any time.

If you do not know, select "Not for a launch project"

File Size Limit: 4.5GB. For files larger than 4.5GB, use our upload portal here

Aspect Ratio: 16:9, JPG or PNG file type only.

Aspect Ratio: 16:9, JPG or PNG file type only.

Aspect Ratio: 16:9, JPG or PNG file type only. Minimum width of 640px.

The name(s) of the speaker(s) in the video. If there are more than one speaker, please separate them with a comma.

This should be the person that should be contacted for questions about the content inside of this file

Who is the intended audience for this asset?

  • Internal: NetApp employees & contractors
  • Partner: NetApp Partner community
  • External: Publicly available (Example can be used on or NetApp TV)
  • External-Gated: Publicly available and requires registration (

Who should be allowed to see this?

Select all values that apply, one value is required.
If your file isn't related to a Play/Program/Topic, select Company or Culture.

Select all that apply.

Select all that apply. Corresponding Industry Sector Values will automatically be de-selected if its Industry is un-checked.

Select all that apply. Corresponding Industry Values will automatically be selected.

Select all that apply.

List Customers separated by a comma ","

List customer(s) used in the asset content.

Select all that apply.

Separate each tag with a comma ","

For documents and videos, provide keywords to increase asset searchability and SEO.

Provide a NetApp-owned URL, where a viewer can get additional information about the video

CTA should be action oriented, sentence-case, 5-words or less and describe the destination they will see after clicking the link.

This value helps categorize video tasks in Asana. It will not be attached to the asset metadata.

Add any additional information that you believe would help process your request.

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